[R] File > Save As...

Hadley Wickham hadley at rice.edu
Wed Mar 16 14:06:09 CET 2011

> No, defaults are evaluated in the evaluation frame of the function. That's
> why you can use local variables in them, e.g. the way rgamma uses 1/rate as
> a default for scale.

Oops, yes, I was getting confused with promises - non-missing
arguments are promises evaluated in the parent frame.

> But the point isn't evaluation here:  the point is the parsing.  A function
> gets its source attribute when it is parsed, so getSrcFilename needs to be
> passed something that was parsed in the script.

Still, it would be nice to have a function that, by default, would
return the location of the calling script.  You can also hack
something together using sys.frames(), but it would be nice to have
official R support for it.


Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University

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