[R] I really need help to merge two data frames

Tony tonyandersn at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 01:32:40 CET 2011

Hello, I need help getting two data sets to merge. The structure of
two data sets are:

> str(bcusip)
'data.frame':   1391 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ bond_id : Factor w/ 1391 levels "AAGH","AAGI",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6
 $ Freq    : num  41361 4126 5206 10125 45536 ...
 $ CUSIP_ID: Factor w/ 1391 levels "00184AAC9","00184AAF2",..:

> str(bdescr)
'data.frame':   3674 obs. of  7 variables:
 $ bond_id    : Factor w/ 3674 levels "AAGH ","AAGI ",..:
 $ Issuer.Name: Factor w/ 635 levels "3M CO ","ABBOTT LABORAT
 $ Coupon     : num  6 6.75 6.5 5.95 5.55 5.9 5.72 5.87 6 6.75 ...
 $ Maturity   : Factor w/ 1076 levels "1/1/2015","1/1/2016",..:
 $ Callable   : Factor w/ 2 levels "No ","Yes ": 2 2 2 2 2
 $ Moody.s    : Factor w/ 20 levels "A1 ","A2 ","A3 ",..: 16 16 16
 $ S.P        : Factor w/ 22 levels "- ","A- ","A ",..: 15 15 15 15 1
I am trying to attach the descriptive variables in the first data set
to the
sample variables in the second data set.
My code worked in an example that I re-created from a tutorial, but
will not work on my data
Here is my data code:

### bond description
bdescr <-read.table(file="index3705.R.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",")
bdescr <- bdescr[!duplicated(bdescr$bond_id),]

### bond cusip number
bcusip = read.table(file="selected1526.R.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",")
bcusip <- bcusip[!duplicated(bcusip$bond_id),]
bcusip$Freq = as.numeric(bcusip$Freq)

And here is my attempt to merge: (I tried a few)

merge (bdescr,bcusip,by="bond_id",all=TRUE)
merge (bdescr,bcusip,by="bond_id")
merge (bdescr,bcusip)
superfile <- merge(bdescr,bcusip,by="bond_id",all=TRUE)

Thank you for any help. I am new and going crazy at the moment.

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