[R] x, y for point of intersection

(Ted Harding) ted.harding at wlandres.net
Tue Nov 22 23:49:58 CET 2011

On 22-Nov-11 21:25:56, Monica Pisica wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am trying to get a point of intersection between a
> polyline and a straight line 
.. and get the x and y
> coordinates of this point.
> For exemplification consider this:
> set.seed(123)
> k1 <-rnorm(100, mean=1.77, sd=3.33)
> k1 <- sort(k1)
> q1 <- rnorm(100, mean=2.37, sd=0.74)
> q1 <- sort(q1, decreasing = TRUE)
> plot(k1, q1, xlim <- c((min(k1)-5), (max(k1)+5)), type="l")
> ya <- 2
> xa = -5
> yb=4
> xb=12
> lines(c(xa, xb), c(ya, yb), col = 2)
># I want to get the x and y coordinates of the
># intersection of the 2 lines.
> m <- (ya-yb)/(xa-xb)
> b <- ya-m*xa
> ln <- loess(q1~k1)
> lines(ln)
> It is clear that the x, y will satisfy both linear equations,
> y = m*x + b and the ln polyline - .. but while I can visualize
> the equation of the straight line  - I have problems with the
> polyline. I will appreciate any ideas to solve this problem.
> I thought it a trivial solution but it seems I cannot see it.
> Thanks,
> Monica

  ya <- 2
  xa = -5
  yb =  4
  xb = 12

These define a line

  y = ya + (x - xa)*(yb - ya)/(xb - xa)

so write this as

  y = A + B*x

Then points above the line satisfy

  y > A + B*X

and points below the line satisfy

  Y < A + B*X

  A <- ya - xa*(yb - ya)/(xb - xa)
  B <- (yb - ya)/(xb - xa)

So now extract the points (x,y) fron the loess fit:

  x.ln <- ln$x
  y.ln <- ln$y

and now find the points on 'ln' which are above, and
the points on ln which are below, which will locate the
segment which crosses the (X,Y) line:

  ix.upper <- which(y.ln >  A + B*ln$y)
  ix.lower <- which(y.ln <=3D A + B*ln$y)

  # 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15=20

So now you have the line segment from


and now all you need to do is to find the intersection
of the line from (ln.x[15],ln.y[15]) to (ln.x[16],ln.y[16])
with the line from (xa,ya) to (xb,yb).

(There could be complications if the y-values of ln do not
continually decrease in value; but happily they do decrease
in your example).

Hoping this helps!

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <ted.harding at wlandres.net>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 22-Nov-11                                       Time: 22:49:54
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