[R] Opening Screen

Rolf Turner rolf.turner at xtra.co.nz
Mon Oct 17 04:17:28 CEST 2011

On 17/10/11 12:12, Matt Curcio wrote:
> Greetings All,
> What is the procedure to make the open screen for R silent.  I would
> to have my opening screen in Ubuntu 10.04 linux open to an empty
> terminal.  Instead of the list of licenses and version of R that is
> being run.  By the way, I am using RStudio as well.  I have entered
> the following lines into my '/home/user/.Rprofile' but this is more of
> a 'cheat' ;) to me.
> .First<- function(){
>   cat(rep("\n",10))
> }

If you are starting from the command line, type

     R -q  # q for quiet.

On my (Ubuntu) system ``man R'' tells me this.


         Rolf Turner

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