[R] BRugs crash, question

Jack Tanner ihok at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 4 05:35:54 CEST 2012

(Using BRugs 0.7-5, R 2.14.2 32-bit on 64-bit Windows 7, OpenBUGS 3.2.1)

1. BRugs crashes R for me as follows. Sorry about the lack of detail; please let
me know if / how to supply a more useful bug report on this issue.

fit <- BRugsFit(...)
# BRugs and OpenBUGS runs fine, the parameter estimates are reasonable 
# across 3 chains
samplesBgr("beta") # crash
samplesBgr("beta", plot=FALSE) # also crash

2. I'd like to run a bunch of models via BRugs, saving the state after each one,
like so:

for (m in models) {
  fit <- BRugsFit(paste(m$modelname, ".bug"), ...)
  save(fit, paste(m$modelname, ".RData))

After I load the saved fitted objects in a new R process, BRugs functions like
samplesStats() no longer work. Is it possible to somehow load the saved objects
and use samplesStats and other BRugs functions?

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