[R] npRmpi trouble - mpi.comm.spawn causes segfault

Peter Man plwm2 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Apr 4 16:15:42 CEST 2012

Dear all,

I have a large dataset of randomly generated weighed sample for which I 
wish to compute a kernel density estimate.
I have used the "np" package successfully for smaller datasets, however 
for the larger ones, they take too long when
using the cross validation options for bandwidth selection ("cv.ls" or 
"cv.ml"). Of course, they are much quicker with "normal-reference".

To speed things up, I tried to use the "npRmpi" package. I had a lot of 
trouble installing it - but after appealing to google and finding the 
following page:


npRmpi was finally installed (basically I just added the flags "-lmpl 
-lopa" to the definition of PKG_LIBS in the configure script, and in the 
R CMD INSTALL call, I passed the configure.args as the correct paths to 
my MPICH2 installation).

However, when I call the "mpi.spawn.Rslaves(nslaves=1)" command, I get 
the following errors:

 > mpi.spawn.Rslaves(nslaves=1)

      *** caught segfault ***
     address 0x2df0c9f, cause 'memory not mapped'

      1: .Call("mpi_comm_spawn", as.character(slave), 
as.character(slavearg),     as.integer(nslaves), as.integer(info), 
as.integer(root),     as.integer(intercomm), PACKAGE = "npRmpi")
      2: mpi.comm.spawn(slave = system.file("Rslaves.sh", package = 
"npRmpi"),     slavearg = arg, nslaves = nslaves, info = 0, root = 
root,     intercomm = intercomm)
      3: mpi.spawn.Rslaves(nslaves = 1)

     Possible actions:
     1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
     2: normal R exit
     3: exit R without saving workspace
     4: exit R saving workspace

I also installed Rmpi (I installed Rmpi before npRmpi, and in a similar 
fashion), and calling the same function "mpi.spawn.Rslaves" gives the 
following error:

[mpiexec at manet.somewhere.group] match_arg 
unrecognized argument pmi_args
[mpiexec at manet.somewhere.group] HYDU_parse_array 
argument matching returned error
[mpiexec at manet.somewhere.group] parse_args 
error parsing input array
[mpiexec at manet.somewhere.group] HYD_uii_mpx_get_parameters 
unable to parse user arguments

Please help!!!



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