[R] Adding text for written comments to bottom of graphs

Paul Miller pjmiller_57 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 6 15:25:58 CEST 2012

Hi Baptiste,

Thanks for your help with this. Sorry for being slow to express my appreciation. I had intended to put some more time into tweaking the graphs before responding. Recently have been reading Hadley Wickham's ggplot2 book and have also located some materials on the knitr package. Didn't get far enough in my reading to do the necessary tweaking in a timely fashion though.

The result I'm getting now isn't perfect but it's still pretty amazing. Certainly good enough for our internal coding exercise. Next steps will be to add little grey extensions onto the bars and to obtain better control over the sizing and placement of the graphs and comment text. The little grey extensions will represent the time that chemotherapies remain active following their final administration. 

So far, the best way I've found for controlling the size of the graph is to add to the number of comment lines. As it happens, we wanted more comment lines anyway and so this worked out well. Must be a better way to get the necessary control though. Will try to figure that out once I have more time.

Thanks again for your help with this.


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