[R] summary(svyglm) Pr (> | t |) ?

John Fox jfox at mcmaster.ca
Thu Aug 2 22:50:37 CEST 2012

Dear Diana,

The Anova() function in the car package will produce a Wald test for each
term in a model fit by svyglm().

I hope this helps,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-help-bounces at r-project.org [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-project.org]
> On Behalf Of Diana Marcela Martinez Ruiz
> Sent: August-02-12 4:14 PM
> To: Ayuda en R; tlumley at uw.edu
> Subject: [R] summary(svyglm) Pr (> | t |) ?
> Hello
> I want to know if the summary of the logistic model with survey  Pr (> | t
|) to
> test if the coefficient of the model is significant,  ie is the p_valor
wald test
> for the model coefficients,  for I am interested to know if the three
levels of
> the variable educational level are significant to the model (significance
> handling 0.2), I present below the results of my model
>  summary(mod.logis)
> Call:
> svyglm(formula = APES_DICOT ~ Nivel_Educativo + Ocupacion_principal +
>     Afiliacion_salud + Tiene_cuidador + Presencia_enfer_cronica +
>     Consumo_tabaco + Consumo_alcohol + Presencia_Dolor +
> Frec_dolor_cronico +
>     Punt_min_mental + ABC_fis + ABC_instr + Anergia +
> Actividad_fisica_ultimo_aqo +
>     Perdida_peso_no_intensionada + Lenta_velocidad_marcha +
> Disminucion_fuerza_agarre +
>     Hospitalizacion_ultimo_aqo + Urgencias_ultimo_aqo + Miedo_caer,
>     design = Muestra.comp, family = quasibinomial())
> Survey design:
> svydesign(id = ~b, strata = ~d, nest = TRUE, weights = ~c, data = am18,
>     fpc = ~e)
> Coefficients:
>                                         Estimate Std. Error t value
> (Intercept)                             -3.10084    1.85632  -1.670
> Nivel_EducativoNinguno/No recuerda       1.52556    0.88735   1.719
> Nivel_EducativoPrimaria                  1.16256    0.64404   1.805
0.0861 .
> Nivel_EducativoSecundaria                0.55771    1.04909   0.532
> Thanks
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