[R] Add interpunct (dot) symbol to axis label?

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 13:56:54 CEST 2012

On 12-08-08 9:21 PM, Hillary Ward wrote:
> I'm having problems creating an axis label for a plot.
> y_label = expression(paste(plain('CPUE
> '),plain('(fish'),plain('x'),plain('h'^{-1}),plain(')')))
> I'd like to replace the "x" with an interpunct symbol (dot). Any
> suggestions how to do this?

The interpunct symbol is \u00b7 in Unicode.  You could try that, i.e.

y_label = expression(paste(plain('CPUE

It might not work if your graphics device doesn't support Unicode.

Duncan Murdoch

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