[R] variable scope

Sam Steingold sds at gnu.org
Tue Aug 28 23:55:23 CEST 2012

> * R. Michael Weylandt <zvpunry.jrlynaqg at tznvy.pbz> [2012-08-28 13:45:35 -0500]:
>> always you shouldn't need manual garbage collection.

my observation is that gc in R sucks.
(it cannot release small objects).
this is not specific to R; ocaml suffers too.

> since a loop doesn't define its own scope like some languages (a
> practice that always seemed strange to me),

every level of indentation has its own scope.
seems reasonable.

> The other answer is to use functions / apply statements like the good
> lord and John Chambers intended :-)

so explicit loops are "deprecated" in some sense?

thanks for your kind and informative reply!
Sam Steingold (http://sds.podval.org/) on Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) X 11.0.11103000
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