[R] Removing duplicated values

Neotropical bat risk assessments neotropical.bats at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 15:23:15 CET 2012

Hi all,

I have been away from R for far too many months and have two questions.
One is likely simple, but not found under help or in many of the 
available R ref., books.

1.  How does one save the results of an analysis from the main console 
to a file without the need to copy and paste?

2. What tools (possibly Plyr or reshape) can be used to remove 
duplicated entries in a data matrix?
I have some 650,000 records in a table (text values for most fields) 
that were imported form a number of sources and now I find that table is 
inflated by anywhere from 2-20 duplicated entries.  I need to remove all 
dupes and only retain unique values.  Excel is choking on this so I 
thought R would be a better and more efficient option.



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