[R] A question on list and lapply

Christofer Bogaso bogaso.christofer at gmail.com
Fri Dec 14 19:58:18 CET 2012

Dear all, let say I have following list:

Dat <- vector("list", length = 26)
names(Dat) <- LETTERS
My_Function <- function(x) return(rnorm(5))
Dat1 <- lapply(Dat, My_Function)

However I want to apply my function 'My_Function' for all elements of 
'Dat' except the elements having 'names(Dat) == "P"'. Here I have 
specified the name "P" just for illustration however this will be some 
name specified by user.

Is there any direct way to achieve this, using 'lapply'?

Thanks for your help.

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