[R] possibly Error in R version 2.12.1 (2010-12-16)

Frank Schwidom schwidom at gmx.net
Thu Feb 2 21:24:57 CET 2012


the following Code demonstrates an possibly Error in R
(or you can explain me, why this happens, thanks in advance)



testClass <- function( stackData= c())


  write= function( ...)
   sChain= ""
   for( s in c( stackData, ...))
    sChain= paste( sChain, '"', sub( '"', '\\\\"', s), '"', sep, sep='')
   write( sChain, fHandle, append=TRUE)

  stackIt1 = function( ...)
   testClass( stackData= c( stackData, ...))

  stackIt2 = function( ...)
   tmp= c( stackData, ...)
   testClass( stackData= tmp)

  getStack = function()


to1= testClass()

for( i in 4:2)
 to1= to1$stackIt1( i)

print( all( rep( 2, 3) == to1$getStack())) # error!

to2= testClass()

for( i in 4:2)
 to2= to2$stackIt2( i)

print( all( 4:2 == to2$getStack())) # correct!

# what ist the difference between stackIt1 and stackIt2?
# (error appears only by using an for loop)

> version
platform       i486-pc-linux-gnu
arch           i486
os             linux-gnu
system         i486, linux-gnu
major          2
minor          12.1
year           2010
month          12
day            16
svn rev        53855
language       R
version.string R version 2.12.1 (2010-12-16)


##################################### End of Code

written in an R-File and called per source( '<Fname>.R')
shows 2 subsequent outputs of 'TRUE', which is not ok
in my mind

Thanks for your attention

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