[R] How can I tabulate time series data (in RStudio or any other R editor)?

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Fri Feb 17 14:46:55 CET 2012

On Feb 16, 2012, at 8:32 PM, jpm miao wrote:

> Hello,
>   I have a question on how to tabulate the time series data. I use
> RStudio, but if can be done in any other R editor, it should work in
> RStudio as well.

Most people have given up on using R's time series class and have  
moved over to using the zoo-class. There are no real dates in time  
series objects. Things that look like dates in printed output are  
calculated on the fly. The data is really just a vector and the  
"dates" are contained in the attributes of the object.

>> a1<-11:22
>> a1ts<-ts(a1, frequency=4, start=c(1978,1))
>> a1ts     Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
> 1978   11   12   13   14
> 1979   15   16   17   18
> 1980   19   20   21   22
>   If I click the variable "a1ts" on the workspace, I see
> structure(11:22, .Tsp = c(1978, 1980.75, 4), class = "ts")
>    If I coerce the variable to become a matrix,
>> a1tsm<-as.matrix(a1ts)
>    and click the variable "a1tsm", I see the vector in a tabular  
> form and
> can paste it into Excel , but I don't see the dates at all
>  V1
> 1 11
> 2 12
> 3 13
> 4 14
> 5 15
> 6 16
> 7 17
> 8 18
> 9 19
> 10 20
> 11 21
> 12 22
>     How could I see both the dates and the data in a tabular form?

Not really a full answer but this will generate a time-series object  
of "times" although they are not really any of the usual R time or  
date classes.

 > time(a2ts)
         Qtr1    Qtr2    Qtr3    Qtr4
1979 1979.00 1979.25 1979.50 1979.75
1980 1980.00 1980.25 1980.50 1980.75
1981 1981.00 1981.25 1981.50 1981.75
1982 1982.00 1982.25 1982.50 1982.75

>     The second question is that if I have another data sequence, how  
> can I
> combine the two and see both data in a tabular form?
>> a2<-101:116> a2ts<-ts(a2, frequency=4, start=c(1979,1))> a2ts      
>> Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
> 1979  101  102  103  104
> 1980  105  106  107  108
> 1981  109  110  111  112
> 1982  113  114  115  116

You can't. The data in a time series is a vector, not a dataframe or a  
matrix. If you want the data to be a more full-featured data object  
then use zoo-classed objects which allow matrices and allow real   
dates or times.


> Thank you,
> Miao
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David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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