[R] bootstrap in time dependent Cox model‏

Ehsan Karim wildscop at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 21 01:50:40 CET 2012

Dear R-list,

I am wondering how to perform a bootstrap in R for the weighted time
dependent Cox model‏ (Andersen–Gill format, with multiple observations
from each patients) to obtain the bootstrap standard error of the
treatment effect.

Below is an example dataset. Would 'censboot' be appropriate to use in
this context? Any suggestions/references/direction to R-package will
be highly appreciated.



> dataset = read.csv("http://stat.ubc.ca/~e.karim/dataset2.csv")
> head(dataset) # (tx = treatment, weight = IPTW)
  id tx enter exit event   weight
1  1  0     0    1     0 1.037136
2  1  0     1    2     0 1.299079
3  1  0     2    3     0 1.352642
4  1  1     3    4     0 1.245575
5  1  0     4    5     0 1.360458
6  1  0     5    6     0 1.236780
> time.dep.weighted.cox = coxph(Surv(enter, exit, event) ~ tx + cluster(id), robust = TRUE, data = dataset, weights = weight)
> time.dep.weighted.cox
   coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se      z    p
tx -0.2     0.819     0.22      0.25 -0.798 0.42
Likelihood ratio test=0.83  on 1 df, p=0.361  n= 9626, number of events= 81

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