[R] multcomp two-way anova with interactions within and between

Schreiber, Stefan Stefan.Schreiber at ales.ualberta.ca
Thu Jan 12 01:20:11 CET 2012

Hi all,

I'd like to compare all levels of my interaction with each other. I read
the pdf 'Additional multcomp Examples' but even though there is an
example with an interaction it doesn't work for me when I want to
compare within and between groups.

Here is an example:





# X gives me a matrix with the dimensions 12 by 12.

glht(fit1, linfct = X)


rownames(K1) <- paste(levels(d.fr$treat2)[1],rownames(K1), sep = ":")

K2 <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Tukey), ncol = ncol(Tukey)), Tukey)
rownames(K2) <- paste(levels(d.fr$treat2)[2],rownames(K1), sep = ":")

K3 <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Tukey), ncol = ncol(Tukey)), Tukey)
rownames(K3) <- paste(levels(d.fr$treat2)[3],rownames(K1), sep = ":")

K4 <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Tukey), ncol = ncol(Tukey)), Tukey)
rownames(K4) <- paste(levels(d.fr$treat2)[4],rownames(K1), sep = ":")

K <- rbind(K1, K2, K3,K4)
colnames(K) <- c(colnames(Tukey), colnames(Tukey))

#K gives me a matrix with the dimension 12 by 6 and this will obviously
not work in the next step

summary(glht(fit2, linfct = K %*% X))


So, my questions is how would a 12 by 12 matrix for K look like, in
order to do K %*% X correctly for all levels within and between Tukey

But since I am not in interested in every *single* comparison within and
between, I was wondering to how to come up with a potential maximal but
empty matrix and code the comparisons myself.

Thanks for any hints!


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