[R] Error: unexpected '<' in "<" when modifying existing functions

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 11:50:25 CET 2012

On 12-01-14 3:58 AM, Rui Esteves wrote:
> Thank you both.
> 1) As Duncan said, if I leave<environment: namespace:stats>  out, it
> will not work since it is using .C and .Fortran functions that kmeans
> calls.
> I
> 2) don`t know how to use the as.environment() (I did not understood by
> reading the help).
> 3) Setting environment(kmeansnew)<- environment(stats::kmeans) does
> not work as well.

I think you need to explain what "does not work" means.  What did you 
do, and how do you know it didn't work?

> 4) Using fix() works, but then I don`t know how to store just the
> function in an external file. To use it in another computer, for
> example.  If I use save(myfunc,"myFile.R", ASCII=TRUE) it doesn't work
> when I try to load it again using myfunc=load("myFile.R")

Don't use load() on a source file.  Use load() on a binary file produced 
by save().  You could save() your working function, but then you can't 
edit it outside of R.  To produce a .R file that you can use in another 
session, you're going to need to produce the function, then modify the 
environment, using 2 or 3 above.

Duncan Murdoch

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