[R] Column name containing "-"

Ivan Calandra ivan.calandra at u-bourgogne.fr
Tue Jan 24 15:47:11 CET 2012

By "it works anyway", I mean that you can have a dash in a column name, 
there is no error or even warning.
I guess that some functions would throw an error or warning, depending 
on the requirements, but data.frame() doesn't.


Le 24/01/12 15:35, David Winsemius a écrit :
> On Jan 24, 2012, at 4:44 AM, Ivan Calandra wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> I cannot tell you why (maybe someone else can), but the check.names 
>> argument to data.frame() interpret "a.-5" as an unvalid name and 
>> convert to to a valid one. What I don't understand is why it isn't 
>> "valid" since it works anyway.
> The dash is not a valid character for column names. What do you mean 
> by "it works anyway"?

Université de Bourgogne
UMR CNRS/uB 6282 Biogéosciences
6 Boulevard Gabriel
21000 Dijon, FRANCE
ivan.calandra at u-bourgogne.fr

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