[R] Error from Brugs "'r for windows gui front-end has stopped working''

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Wed Jan 25 12:09:42 CET 2012

I just tried all 100 iterations both under WinXP and Windows Server 2008 
of your script under 32-bit R (which I assume you are using when talking 
about the old BRugs below).

Please confirm:
R-2.14.1 in 32-bit
BRugs version 0.7-5
OpenBUGS version (3.2.1)

I do not have any Win7 machine available before Friday.

Uwe Ligges

On 25.01.2012 09:55, Jin Minming wrote:
> I forgot to add the R codes. The following are the codes I used for this problem:
> ###    Step by step example:    ###
> library(BRugs) # loading BRugs
> ## Now setting the working directory to the examples' one:
> setwd(options()$OpenBUGSExamples)
> ## add a simple loop
> for (mn in 1:100){
> ## some usual steps (like clicking in WinBUGS):
> modelCheck("Ratsmodel.txt")          # check model file
> modelData("Ratsdata.txt")            # read data file
> modelCompile(numChains=2)            # compile model with 2 chains
> modelInits(rep("Ratsinits.txt", 2))  # read init data file
> modelUpdate(1000)                    # burn in
> samplesSet(c("alpha0", "alpha"))     # alpha0 and alpha should be monitored
> modelUpdate(1000)                    # 1000 more iterations ....
> samplesStats("*")                    # the summarized results
> ## some plots
> #samplesHistory("*", mfrow = c(4, 2)) # plot the chain,
> #samplesDensity("alpha")              # plot the densities,
> #samplesBgr("alpha[1:6]")             # plot the bgr statistics, and
> #samplesAutoC("alpha[1:6]", 1)        # plot autocorrelations of 1st chain
> # force to print the current loop number
> flush.console()
> print(mn)
> }
> --- On Tue, 24/1/12, Jin Minming<jminming at yahoo.com>  wrote:
>> From: Jin Minming<jminming at yahoo.com>
>> Subject: [R] Error from Brugs "'r for windows gui front-end has stopped working''
>> To: r-help at r-project.org
>> Date: Tuesday, 24 January, 2012, 20:08
>> Dear all,
>> I just try to run the example in R brugs packages, but not
>> only once. Loop is added in this example. After several
>> times (7, 11, or other random number), there is an error
>> message "r for windows gui front-end has stopped working".
>> This happened in two laptops with windows 7 and vista. I
>> have tried different versions of R (2.14.1 and 2.13) and
>> Brugs packages (0.7.1 and 0.7-5). But it works well in a
>> computer installed with Windows XP system.
>> Anyone has some idea how to avoid this crash in Windows
>> Vista or 7 system?
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
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