[R] null distribution of binom.test p values

Thomas Lumley tlumley at uw.edu
Thu Jan 26 21:03:51 CET 2012

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 5:36 AM, Chris Wallace
<chris.wallace at cimr.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> Greg, thanks for the reply.
> Unfortunately, I remain unconvinced!
> I ran a longer simulation, 100,000 reps.  The size of the test is
> consistently too small (see below) and the histogram shows increasing bars
> even within the parts of the histogram with even bar spacing.  See
> https://www-gene.cimr.cam.ac.uk/staff/wallace/hist.png
> y<-sapply(1:100000, function(i,n=100)
>  binom.test(sum(rnorm(n)>0),n,p=0.5,alternative="two")$p.value)
> mean(y<0.01)
> # [1] 0.00584
> mean(y<0.05)
> # [1] 0.03431
> mean(y<0.1)
> # [1] 0.08646
> Can that really be due to the discreteness of the distribution?

Yes.  All so-called exact tests tend to be conservative due to
discreteness, and there's quite a lot of discreteness in the tails

The problem is far worse for Fisher's exact test, and worse still for
Fisher's other exact test (of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium --

You don't need to rely on finite-sample simulations here: you can
evaluate the level exactly.  Using binom.test() you find that the
rejection regions are y<=39 and y>=61, so the level at nominal 0.05
> pbinom(39,100,0.5)+pbinom(60,100,0.5,lower.tail=FALSE)
[1] 0.0352002
agreeing very well with your 0.03431

At nominal 0.01 the exact level is
> pbinom(36,100,0.5)+pbinom(63,100,0.5,lower.tail=FALSE)
[1] 0.006637121
and at 0.1 it is
> pbinom(41,100,0.5)+pbinom(58,100,0.5,lower.tail=FALSE)
[1] 0.08862608

Your result at nominal 0.01 is a bit low, but I think that's bad luck.
 When I ran your code I got 0.00659 for the estimated level at nominal
0.01, which matches the exact calculations very well

Theoreticians sweep this under the carpet by inventing randomized
tests, where you interpolate a random p-value between the upper and
lower values from a discrete distribution.  It's a very elegant idea
that I'm glad to say I haven't seen used in practice.


Thomas Lumley
Professor of Biostatistics
University of Auckland

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