[R] EM algorithm to find MLE of coeff in mixed effects model

Paul Johnson pauljohn32 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 23:06:12 CEST 2012

On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 12:41 PM, jimmycloud <jimmycloud at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a general question about coefficients estimation of the mixed model.

I have 2 ideas for you.

1. Fit with lme4 package, using the lmer function. That's what it is for.

2. If you really want to write your own EM algorithm, I don't feel
sure that very many R and EM experts are going to want to read through
the code you have because you don't follow some of the minimal
readability guidelines.  I accept the fact that there is no officially
mandated R style guide, except for "indent with 4 spaces, not tabs."
But there are some almost universally accepted basics like

1. Use <-, not =, for assignment
2. put a space before and  after symbols like <-, = , + , * , and so forth.
3. I'd suggest you get used to putting squiggly braces in the K&R style.

I have found the formatR package's tool tidy.source can do this
nicely. From tidy.source, here's what I get with your code


Much more readable!
(I inserted library(MASS) for you at the top, otherwise this doesn't
even survive the syntax check.)

When I copy from email to Emacs, some line-breaking monkey-business
occurs, but I expect you get the idea.

Now, looking at your cleaned up code, I can see some things to tidy up
to improve the chances that some expert will look.

First, R functions don't require "return" at the end, many experts
consider it distracting. (Run "lm" or such and review how they write.
No return at the end of functions).

Second, about that big for loop at the top, the one that goes from m 1:300

I don't know what that loop is doing, but there's some code in it that
I'm suspicious of. For example, this part:

 W.hat <- psi.old - psi.old %*% t(Zi) %*% solve(Sig.hat) %*%  Zi %*% psi.old

    Sigb <- psi.old - psi.old %*% t(Zi) %*% solve(Sig.hat) %*%  Zi %*% psi.old

First, you've caused the possibly slow calculation of solve
 (Sig.hat) to run two times.  If you really need it, run it once and
save the result.

Second, a for loop is not necessarily slow, but it may be easier to
read if you re-write this:

 for (j in 1:n) {
        tempbb[j] <- Eh4newv2(datai = data.list[[j]], weights.m =
weights.mat, beta = beta.old)

like this:

tempaa <- lapply(data.list, Eh4new, weights.m, beta.old)
tempbb <- lapply(data.list, Eh4newv2, weights.m, beta.old)

Third, here is a no-no

tempbb <- c()
for (j in 1:n) {
        tempbb <- cbind(tempbb, Eh2new(data.list[[j]], weights.m = weights.mat))

That will call cbind over and over, causing a relatively slow memory
re-allocation.  See

Instead, do this to apply Eh2new to each item in data.list

tempbbtemp <- lapply(data.list, Eh2new, weights.mat)

and then smash the results together in one go

tempbb <- do.call("cbind", tempbbtemp)

Fourth, I'm not sure on the matrix algebra. Are you sure you need
solve to get the full inverse of Sig.hat?  Once you start checking
into how estimates are calculated in R, you find that the
paper-and-pencil matrix algebra style of formula is generally frowned
upon. OLS (in lm.fit) doesn't do solve(X'X), it uses a QR
decomposition of matrices.  OR look in MASS package ridge regression
code, where the SVD is used to get the inverse.

I wish I knew enough about the EM algorithm to gaze at your code and
say "aha, error in line 332", but I'm not.  But if you clean up the
presentation and tighten up the most obvious things, you improve your
chances that somebody who is an expert will exert him/herself to do


>                                                              b follows
> N(0,\psi)  #i.e. bivariate normal
> where b is the latent variable, Z and X are ni*2 design matrices, sigma is
> the error variance,
> Y are longitudinal data, i.e. there are ni measurements for object i.
> Parameters are \beta, \sigma, \psi; call them \theta.
> I wrote a regular EM, the M step is to maximize the log(f(Y,b;\theta))  by
> taking first order derivatives, setting to 0 and solving the equation.
> The E step involves the evaluation of E step, using Gauss Hermite
> approximation. (10 points)
> All are simulated data. X and Z are naive like cbind(rep(1,m),1:m)
> After 200 iterations, the estimated \beta converges to the true value while
> \sigma and \psi do not. Even after one iteration, the \sigma goes up from
> about 10^0 to about 10^1.
> I am confused since the \hat{\beta} requires \sigma and \psi from previous
> iteration. If something wrong then all estimations should be incorrect...
> Another question is that I calculated the logf(Y;\theta) to see if it
> increases after updating \theta.
> Seems decreasing.....
> I thought the X and Z are linearly dependent would cause some issue but I
> also changed the X and Z to some random numbers from normal distribution.
> I also tried ECM, which converges fast but sigma and psi are not close to
> the desired values.
> Is this due to the limitation of some methods that I used?
> Can any one give some help? I am stuck for a week. I can send the code to
> you.
> First time to raise a question here. Not sure if it is proper to post all
> code.
> ##########################################################################
> # the main R script
> n=100
> beta=c(-0.5,1)
> vvar=2   #sigma^2=2
> psi=matrix(c(1,0.2,0.2,1),2,2)
> b.m.true=mvrnorm(n=n,mu=c(0,0),Sigma=psi)  #100*2 matrix, each row is the
> b_i
> Xi=cbind(rnorm(7,mean=2,sd=0.5),log(2:8)) #Xi=cbind(rep(1,7),1:7)
> y.m=matrix(NA,nrow=n,ncol=nrow(Xi))   #100*7, each row is a y_i
> Zi=Xi
> b.list=as.list(data.frame(t(b.m.true)))
> psi.old=matrix(c(0.5,0.4,0.4,0.5),2,2)      #starting psi, beta and var, not
> exactly the same as the true value
> beta.old=c(-0.3,0.7)
> var.old=1.7
> gausspar=gauss.quad(10,kind="hermite",alpha=0,beta=0)
> data.list.wob=list()
> for (i in 1:n)
> {
> data.list.wob[[i]]=list(Xi=Xi,yi=y.m[i,],Zi=Zi)
> }
> #compute true loglikelihood and initial loglikelihood
> truelog=0
> for (i in 1:length(data.list.wob))
> {
> truelog=truelog+loglike(data.list.wob[[i]],vvar,beta,psi)
> }
> truelog
> loglikeseq=c()
> loglikeseq[1]=sum(sapply(data.list.wob,loglike))
> for (m in 1:300)
> {
> Sig.hat=Zi%*%psi.old%*%t(Zi)+var.old*diag(nrow(Zi))
> W.hat=psi.old-psi.old%*%t(Zi)%*%solve(Sig.hat)%*%Zi%*%psi.old
> Sigb=psi.old-psi.old%*%t(Zi)%*%solve(Sig.hat)%*%Zi%*%psi.old
> det(Sigb)^(-0.5)
> Y.minus.X.beta=t(t(y.m)-c(Xi%*%beta.old))
> miu.m=t(apply(Y.minus.X.beta,MARGIN=1,function(s,B=psi.old%*%t(Zi)%*%solve(Sig.hat))
>                                                 {
>                                                 B%*%s
>                                                 }
>                 ))  ### each row is the miu_i
> tmp1=permutations(length(gausspar$nodes),2,repeats.allowed=T)
> tmp2=c(tmp1)
> a.mat=matrix(gausspar$nodes[tmp2],nrow=nrow(tmp1)) #a1,a1
>                                                                    #a1,a2
>                                                                    #...
>                                                                    #a10,a9
>                                                                    #a10,a10
> a.mat.list=as.list(data.frame(t(a.mat)))
> tmp1=permutations(length(gausspar$weights),2,repeats.allowed=T)
> tmp2=c(tmp1)
> weights.mat=matrix(gausspar$weights[tmp2],nrow=nrow(tmp1)) #w1,w1
>                                                                    #w1,w2
>                                                                    #...
>                                                                    #w10,w9
>                                                                    #w10,w10
> L=chol(solve(W.hat))
> LL=sqrt(2)*solve(L)
> halfb=t(LL%*%t(a.mat))
> # each page of b.array is all values of bi_k and bi_j for b_i
> b.list=list()
> for (i in 1:n)
> {
> b.list[[i]]=t(t(halfb)+miu.m[i,])
> }
> #generate a list, each page contains Xi,yi,Zi,
> data.list=list()
> for (i in 1:n)
> {
> data.list[[i]]=list(Xi=Xi,yi=y.m[i,],Zi=Zi,b=b.list[[i]])
> }
> #update sigma^2
> t1=proc.time()
> tempaa=c()
> tempbb=c()
> for (j in 1:n)
> {
> #tempaa[j]=Eh4new(datai=data.list[[j]],weights.m=weights.mat,beta=beta.old)
> tempbb[j]=Eh4newv2(datai=data.list[[j]],weights.m=weights.mat,beta=beta.old)
> }
> var.new=mean(tempbb)
> if (ECM==T){var.old=var.new}
> sumXiXi=matrix(rowSums(sapply(data.list,function(s){t(s$Xi)%*%(s$Xi)})),ncol=ncol(Xi))
> tempbb=c()
> for (j in 1:n)
> {
> tempbb=cbind(tempbb,Eh2new(data.list[[j]],weights.m=weights.mat))
> }
> beta.new=solve(sumXiXi)%*%rowSums(tempbb)
> if (ECM==T){beta.old=beta.new}
> #update psi
> tempcc=array(NA,c(2,2,n))
> sumtempcc=matrix(0,2,2)
> for (j in 1:n)
> {
> tempcc[,,j]=Eh1new(data.list[[j]],weights.m=weights.mat)
> sumtempcc=sumtempcc+tempcc[,,j]
> }
> psi.new=sumtempcc/n
> #stop
> if(sum(abs(beta.old-beta.new))+sum(abs(psi.old-psi.new))+sum(abs(var.old-var.new))<0.01)
> {print("converge, stop");break;}
> #update
> var.old=var.new
> psi.old=psi.new
> beta.old=beta.new
> loglikeseq[m+1]=sum(sapply(data.list,loglike))
> } # end of M loop
> ########################################################################
> #function to calculate loglikelihood
> loglike=function(datai=data.list[[i]],vvar=var.old,beta=beta.old,psi=psi.old)
> {
> temp1=-0.5*log(det(vvar*diag(nrow(datai$Zi))+datai$Zi%*%psi%*%t(datai$Zi)))
> temp2=-0.5*t(datai$yi-datai$Xi%*%beta)%*%solve(vvar*diag(nrow(datai$Zi))+datai$Zi%*%psi%*%t(datai$Zi))%*%(datai$yi-datai$Xi%*%beta)
> return(temp1+temp2)
> }
> #######################################################################
> #functions to evaluate the conditional expection, saved as Efun v2.R
> #Eh1new=E(bibi')
> #Eh2new=E(X'(y-Zbi))
> #Eh3new=E(bi'Z'Zbi)
> #Eh4new=E(Y-Xibeta-Zibi)'(Y-Xibeta-Zibi)
> #Eh5new=E(Xibeta-yi)'Zibi
> #Eh6new=E(bi)
> Eh1new=function(datai=data.list[[i]],
>                  weights.m=weights.mat)
> {
> #one way
> #temp=matrix(0,2,2)
> #for (i in 1:nrow(bi))
> #{
> #temp=temp+bi[i,]%*%t(bi[i,])*weights.m[i,1]*weights.m[i,2]
> #}
> #print(temp)
> #the other way
> bi=datai$b
> tempb=bi*rep(sqrt(weights.m[,1]*weights.m[,2]),2)   #quadratic b, so need
> sqrt
> #deno=sum(weights.m[,1]*weights.m[,2])
> return(t(tempb)%*%tempb/pi)
> } # end of Eh1
> #Eh2new=E(X'(y-Zbi))
> Eh2new=function(datai=data.list[[i]],
>                  weights.m=weights.mat)
> {
> #one way
> #temp=rep(0,2)
> #for (j in 1:nrow(bi))
> #{
> #temp=temp+c(t(datai$Xi)%*%(datai$yi-datai$Zi%*%bi[j,])*weights.m[j,1]*weights.m[j,2])
> #}
> #deno=sum(weights.m[,1]*weights.m[,2])
> #print(temp/deno)
> #another way
> bi=datai$b
> tempb=bi*rep(weights.m[,1]*weights.m[,2],2)
> tt=t(datai$Xi)%*%datai$yi-t(datai$Xi)%*%datai$Zi%*%colSums(tempb)/pi
> return(c(tt))
> } # end of Eh2
> #Eh3new=E(b'Z'Zbi)
> Eh3new=function(datai=data.list[[i]],
>                  weights.m=weights.mat)
> {
> #one way
> #deno=sum(weights.m[,1]*weights.m[,2])
> #tempb=bi*rep(sqrt(weights.m[,1]*weights.m[,2]),2)   #quadratic b, so need
> sqrt
> #sum(apply(datai$Zi%*%t(tempb),MARGIN=2,function(s){sum(s^2)}))/deno
> #another way
> bi=datai$b
> tempb=bi*rep(sqrt(weights.m[,1]*weights.m[,2]),2)   #quadratic b, so need
> sqrt
> return(sum(sapply(as.list(data.frame(datai$Zi%*%t(tempb))),function(s){sum(s^2)}))/pi)
> }  # end of Eh3
> #Eh4new=E(Y-Xibeta-Zibi)'(Y-Xibeta-Zibi)
> Eh4new=function(datai=data.list[[i]],
>                  weights.m=weights.mat,beta=beta.old)
> {
> #one way
> #temp=0
> #bi=datai$b
> #tt=c()
> #for (j in 1:nrow(bi))
> #{
> #tt[j]=sum((datai$yi-datai$Xi%*%beta-datai$Zi%*%bi[j,])^2)*weights.m[j,1]*weights.m[j,2]
> #temp=temp+sum((datai$yi-datai$Xi%*%beta-datai$Zi%*%bi[j,])^2)*weights.m[j,1]*weights.m[j,2]
> #}
> #temp/deno
> # another way
> bi=datai$b
> tt=sapply(as.list(ata.frame(c(datai$yi-datai$Xi%*%beta)-datai$Zi%*%t(bi))),
>             function(s){sum(s^2)})*(weights.m[,1]*weights.m[,2])
> return(sum(tt)/pi)
> } # end of Eh4
> Eh4newv2=function(datai=data.list[[i]],
>                  weights.m=weights.mat,beta=beta.old)
> {
> bi=datai$b
> v=weights.m[,1]*weights.m[,2]
> temp=c()
> for (i in 1:length(v))
> {
> temp[i]=sum(((datai$yi-datai$Xi%*%beta-datai$Zi%*%bi[i,])*sqrt(v[i]))^2)
> }
> return(sum(temp)/pi)
> } # end of Eh4
> #Eh5new=E(Xibeta-yi)'Zib
> Eh5new=function(datai=data.list[[i]],
>                  weights.m=weights.mat,beta=beta.old)
> {
> bi=datai$b
> tempb=bi*rep(weights.m[,1]*weights.m[,2],2)
> t(datai$Xi%*%beta-datai$yi)%*%(datai$Zi%*%t(tempb))
> return(sum(t(datai$Xi%*%beta-datai$yi)%*%(datai$Zi%*%t(tempb)))/pi)
> }
> Eh6new=function(datai=data.list[[i]],
>                  weights.m=weights.mat)
> {
> bi=datai$b
> tempw=weights.m[,1]*weights.m[,2]
> for (i in 1:nrow(bi))
> {
> bi[i,]=bi[i,]*tempw[i]
> }
> return(colMeans(bi)/pi)
> } # end of Eh1
> --
> View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/EM-algorithm-to-find-MLE-of-coeff-in-mixed-effects-model-tp4635315.html
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Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science    Assoc. Director
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504     Center for Research Methods
University of Kansas               University of Kansas
http://pj.freefaculty.org            http://quant.ku.edu

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