[R] sqldf Date problem

Andreas Recktenwald a.recktenwald at mx.uni-saarland.de
Sat Nov 3 19:54:10 CET 2012

Dear R-help readers,

i've created a database for quotes data (for 4 years; 2007 -- 2010)  
with the sqldf package. This database contains a column "Date" in the  
format mm/dd/yyyy.

The table in the database is called "main.data" and the database  
itself "Honda". I tried to get the Data just for certain period, say  
from 01/01/2007 until 01/10/2007 with the following code:

sqldf("select * from main.data where Date<='01/10/2007' and  

I get the data for this period for every year(2007,2008,2009,2010) not  
only for 2007. It seems that the year is "overlooked" and just looked  
for the fitting days and months.

Because I haven't really much experience with sql I decide to send my  
problem to the list.

Many thanks in advance.

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