[R] in Rd documentation, line breaks in code blocks?

Ulrich Staudinger ustaudinger at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 21:21:54 CET 2012

Hi everyone,

following the gentle advice from this list, I write a package
description Rd file.

I have a section in there. In this section, I have a subsection. In
this subsection, I want to have a code fragment. This code fragment
should include several commands, spanning several lines.

\title{Package level introduction}
\description{description goes here.}


some text.

some text.

# fetch them via quantmod
getSymbols(c("MSFT", "SAP"))

The problem is, everything in \code{} gets printed into one line.
If I add \cr at the end of every line in \code, it gets broken
properly, but a warning says "Tag \cr is invalid in a \code block"

What's the right way to include code (same problem with verbatim) in a


Ulrich Staudinger

Connect online: https://www.xing.com/profile/Ulrich_Staudinger

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