[R] source file on startup question - why does an old version of a function show up? ggplot or R?

R. Michael Weylandt michael.weylandt at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 16:14:19 CET 2012

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 2:52 PM, Stephen Sefick <sas0025 at auburn.edu> wrote:
> All,
> 1. I will try and make this clear and concise.  Please let me know any
> information that would be helpful in figuring out this problem (I don't know
> the relevant information to post).  I am on linux- see below for session
> information.
> 2. Problem:
> working directory: home
> an old version of a function is sourced into the R session and doesn't work
> working directory: Desktop
> the new version of the function is soured into the R session and works
> 3. I have setup a R_scripts folder that houses R scripts that I use on a
> regular basis, and I have set up my .Rprofile (below) to source these files
> when R is invoked.
> What should I do?

Sounds like you've perhaps got a saved session in the home directory
which is getting loaded after the profile and clobbering the newer
version which isn't loaded when starting in other working directories.
That or maybe there's redundancy in your startup scripts.... Wild
guesses really, but it might be it.


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