[R] write out list of lists with names

Jagat.K.Sheth at wellsfargo.com Jagat.K.Sheth at wellsfargo.com
Wed Nov 28 17:05:28 CET 2012

Here is one way using capture.output and regular expressions

> cc <- capture.output(ll) ## ll is your list object
> kk <- cc[cc!= ""] ## remove blank lines
> kk <- gsub("\\$", "", kk) ## remove '$' from names
> writeLines(kk)
    MU.16     MU.19     MU.21      mean        sd 
0.8052791 0.4350489 0.4551954 0.5651744 0.2081806 
     MU.21      MU.22       mean         sd 
0.56061566 0.65200918 0.60631242 0.06462498 
    MU.14     MU.20     MU.23      mean        sd 
0.7726512 0.3925776 0.3822244 0.5158177 0.2224845 
    MU.20     MU.22      mean        sd 
0.3636058 0.2139613 0.2887835 0.1058146 
    MU.18      mean        sd 
0.3169202 0.3169202        NA 
    MU.18     MU.22      mean        sd 
0.5764542 0.8236923 0.7000733 0.1748237

> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-help-bounces at r-project.org [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-
> project.org] On Behalf Of Iain Gallagher
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 9:31 AM
> To: r-help
> Subject: [R] write out list of lists with names
> Hello List
> I have a list question. I'm doing some data wrangling for a colleague
> and I have nested list in the following format:
> structure(list(MU10 = structure(c(0.80527905920989, 0.4350488707836,
> 0.455195366623, 0.565174432205497, 0.208180556861924), .Names =
> c("MU.16",
> "MU.19", "MU.21", "mean", "sd")), MU11 = structure(c(0.56061565798878,
> 0.65200918021661, 0.606312419102695, 0.0646249793238221), .Names =
> c("MU.21",
> "MU.22", "mean", "sd")), MU12 = structure(c(0.77265115449472,
> 0.3925776107826, 0.38222435807226, 0.515817707783193, 0.222484520748552
> ), .Names = c("MU.14", "MU.20", "MU.23", "mean", "sd")), MU13 =
> structure(c(0.36360576458114,
> 0.21396125968483, 0.288783512132985, 0.105814644179484), .Names =
> c("MU.20",
> "MU.22", "mean", "sd")), MU14 = structure(c(0.31692017862428,
> 0.31692017862428, NA), .Names = c("MU.18", "mean", "sd")), MU15 =
> structure(c(0.57645424339545,
> 0.82369227173036, 0.700073257562905, 0.174823686402807), .Names =
> c("MU.18",
> "MU.22", "mean", "sd"))), .Names = c("MU10", "MU11", "MU12",
> "MU13", "MU14", "MU15"))
> I would like to write this to a text file in the form e.g. (each x is a
> value):
> MU10
> MU.16  MU.19  MU.21  mean  sd
> x  x  x  x  x
> MU11
> MU.21  MU.22 mean sd
> x  x  x  x
> Where each list element is on a new block of three rows.
> After consulting Google I came across the following:
> fnlist <- function(x, fil){
> z <- deparse(substitute(x))
> cat(z, "\n", file = fil)
> nams <- names(x)
> for (i in seq_along(x) ){ cat(nams[i], "\n", x[[i]], "\n",file = fil,
> append = TRUE) }
> }
> fnlist(holdList, 'res.txt')
> However this doesn't print the names within each sub list.
> Can anyone advise?
> Thanks
> Iain
> R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)
> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
> locale:
>  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_GB.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C
>  [3] LC_TIME=en_GB.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_GB.UTF-8
>  [7] LC_PAPER=C                 LC_NAME=C
>  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods
> base
> other attached packages:
> [1] plyr_1.7.1    gsubfn_0.6-5  proto_0.3-9.2
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] tcltk_2.15.1 tools_2.15.1
> Iain
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