[R] Panels of Geographical Maps

Lorenzo Isella lorenzo.isella at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 22:58:43 CEST 2012

Dear All,
Please consider the snippet at the end of the email.
My problem is rather simple: I can generate individual maps of a country  
where each region is colored according to a scalar, but I am experiencing  
problems when I try to combine e.g. 2 maps into a single figure using the  
mfrow(2,1) parameter.
This does not give me any trouble when I use "plot", but I must be  
misunderstanding something when I resort to "spplot" (one plot gets  
overwritten and no panel is generated).
Any suggestion is really appreciated.



con <- load("ITA_adm1.RData")
unemployment <- c(6.2,11.2,9.5,11.2,11.2,2.9,
gadm$unemployment <- as.factor(unemployment)
col = rev(heat.colors(length(levels(gadm$unemployment))))
par.set <- list(axis.line=list(col="transparent"),
                 axis.text=list(col="white"), fontsize=list(text=18))
png("unemployment2.png", width=630, height=630, bg="grey15")
print(spplot(gadm, "unemployment", col.regions=col, col="grey15",
        main=list(label="Italia - Tassi di disoccupazione 2007"),
        res=88, par.settings=par.set))

png("unemployment-panel.png", width=630, height=630, bg="grey15")
par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar = c(4.5,5, 1, 1) + 0.1)
print(spplot(gadm, "unemployment", col.regions=col, col="grey15",
        main=list(label="Italia - Tassi di disoccupazione 2007"),
        res=88, par.settings=par.set))
print(spplot(  gadm, "unemployment", col.regions=col, col="grey15",
        main=list(label="Italia - Figure 2"),
        res=88, par.settings=par.set))


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