[R] appropriate test in glm when the family is Gamma

粕谷 英一 ekasuscb at kyushu-u.org
Tue Sep 25 06:28:31 CEST 2012

Dear R users,

Which test is most appropriate in glm when the family is Gamma?
  In the help page of anova.glm, I found the following
“For models with known dispersion (e.g., binomial and Poisson fits) the chi-squared test is most appropriate, and for those with dispersion estimated by moments (e.g., gaussian, quasibinomial and quasipoisson fits) the F test is most appropriate.”
My questions :
(1)When the family is Gamma, is F-test most appropriate? or chi-square-test? or another?
(2)Aside from the tests made by anova.glm, there are other tests (e.g. Wald and score). Are they ( or one of them) more appropriate when the family is Gamma?

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