[R] Internalization of help pages

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Sun Aug 4 09:24:23 CEST 2013

On 08/04/2013 03:34 PM, Berend Hasselman wrote:
> ...
> I had a go with Google Translate and translated into Dutch.
> The result is terrible. Garbage. Laughable.
> It also translated R function names in the examples and some of the Rd directives.
> And look at the last line and admire what Google Translate did with \keyword{.
> Checking and correcting translations would require a major effort.
> I don't think this would be useful at all.
> Berend
> The result for Dutch speakers:
> \naam {add.value.labels}
> \alias {add.value.labels}
> \title {Voeg waarde etiketten}
> \beschrijving {voegt waarde labels aan een variabele.}
> \gebruik {
> add.value.labels (x, value.labels)
> }
> \argumenten {
>    \ item {x} {De variabele om de labels toe te voegen.}
>    \ item {value.labels} {De labels.}
> }
> \detail {
> \ samp {add.value.labels} voegt waarde etiketten zoals die van een SPSS. sav bestand.
> Het maakt het een stuk makkelijker aan de stok over de waarde labels die verloren zijn gegaan of waren
> er niet in de eerste plaats.}
> \value {
> De variabele met de labels toegevoegd.}
> \author {Jim Lemon}
> \voorbeelden {
> fgh<-data.frame (sex = monster (1:2,20, TRUE), viviality = monster (1:3,20, TRUE))
> fgh $ sex<-add.value.labels (fgh $ geslacht, c ("Vrouw", "Man"))
> fgh $ viviality<-add.value.labels (fgh $ viviality, c ("Alive", "Dead", "Zombie"))
> }
> \ {keyword misc}
Hi Berend,
Yes, there were a couple of transpositions of braces and obvious errors 
in mine as well that I fixed. At least for my basic Spanish, the 
translation was adequate and could be corrected by someone more 
proficient. As I am unfamiliar with Dutch, I can't judge how bad the 
above is. Perhaps only some languages could be translated successfully 
by Google Translate and of course there are other translation engines. I 
think that the markup tags have to be left in English, but I could be 
wrong there.


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