[R] Upgrading to R and keeping packages

Pancho Mulongeni p.mulongeni at namibia.pharmaccess.org
Thu Aug 8 10:07:43 CEST 2013

Hi! I just installed the latest R 3.01.
I then wanted to update my packages.
I believe the advice given is to take the library folder from the old R version and copy it on top of (overwrite) the library folder of the new R version, in my case the library of R 2.15.2 to library of R 3.01.

When I did this, the next time I started R 3.01, I had an error message
Error in .Call("R_isMethodsDispatchOn", onOff, PACKAGE = "base") :
  "R_isMethodsDispatchOn" not available for .Call() for package "base"

also the update.packages() function was 'not available'.
Where did I go wrong?
I think I will just update the packages I want rather than the whole folder and see if this works,

Pancho Mulongeni
Research Assistant
PharmAccess Foundation
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Windhoek West
Tel:   +264 61 419 000
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