[R] Comparing two columns in an Excel file

arun smartpink111 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 14 15:57:19 CEST 2013

dat1<- as.data.frame(matrix(sample(LETTERS,2*1e6,replace=TRUE),ncol=2))
dat2<- dat1[1:1e5,]
dat3<- dat1
dt1<- data.table(dat1)
system.time(dat1$sat<- 1*(dat1[,1]==dat1[,2]))
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.148   0.004   0.152 
system.time({dat3$sat<- 1*(dat3[,1]==dat3[,2])
    dat3$sat<- recode(dat3$sat,'0="no flag";1="flag"')})
# user  system elapsed 
#  1.140   0.000   1.137 

#  V1 V2     sat
#1  X  M no flag
#2  Y  K no flag
#3  H  W no flag
#4  V  E no flag
#5  Q  N no flag
#6  N  K no flag

#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.104   0.000   0.103 
#[1] TRUE

#your method on a subset of dat1.
na1<- nrow(dat2)
sat <- c(rep(0,na1)) 
dat2 <- cbind(dat2,sat) 
for(i in c(1:na1)){
  if( dat2[i,1] == dat2[i,2]) {
      dat2[i,3] <- 1
 # user  system elapsed 
 #18.756   0.000  18.792 
#[1] TRUE


I have received NGS (next generation sequencing) data in an Excel file and would like to flag columns with synonymous mutations. 

The Excel file has 48 columns and my columns of interest are 28th and 31st. 

28th and 31st columns contain one letter alphabet (amino acid), and I'd like to flag them if they had the same alphabet. 

Below is an example 

28th column                      31st column                                 sat 
S                                          T                                                     no flag 
A                                          L                                                     no flag 
K                                          K                                                     flag 

Here is the code I made and please don't laugh at it. I just started R two weeks ago. 

a1 <- read.csv(file.choose(),header=TRUE) 

na1 <- nrow(a1) 

sat <- c(rep(0,na1)) 
a1[,28] <- as.character(a1[,28]) 
a1[,31] <- as.character(a1[,31]) 
a1 <- cbind(a1,sat) 

for(i in c(1:na1)){ 
  if( a1[i,28] == a1[i,31]) { 
      a1[i,49] <- 1 
write.csv(a1,file.choose(), row.names = FALSE) 

I test-ran this code with a text Excel file with 30 rows without any problem. 

But a problem arose when I ran this code with an NGS Excel file with more than 80,000 rows. It ran forever. 

Does anybody know how to shorten the running time? 

Any input would be appreciated. 



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