[R] Coordinate scales for pairs plot

(Ted Harding) Ted.Harding at wlandres.net
Wed Aug 21 19:30:48 CEST 2013

Greetings all.

I suspect this question has already been asked. Apologies
for not having taced it ...

In the default pairs plot produces by the function pairs(),
the coordinate scales alternate between top and bottom and
right and left sides.

For example, in a 5x5 plot for variables X1, X2, X3, X4, X5
the coordinate scales for X2, X4 appear beside rows 2 and 4
on the left, and the scales for X1, X3, X5 appear beside rows
1, 3, 5 on the right.

Similarly, the scales for X2 and X4 appear above columns 2 and 4,
and the scales for X1, X3, X5 appear below columns 1, 3, 5.

Is there a parameter lurking somewhere in the depths of this
function which can be set so that the scales for all the variables
X1,X2,X3,X4,X5 appear both above and below  columns 1,2,3,4,5;
and both to the left and to the right of rows 1,2,3,4,5?

With thanks,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at wlandres.net>
Date: 21-Aug-2013  Time: 18:30:44
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