[R] Trying to optimize a graph

alejandro.th.na at gmail.com alejandro.th.na at gmail.com
Fri Dec 27 17:34:47 CET 2013

Hi, I don’t really have a problem, but I’m trying to improve my R abilities and I think I might use some help.

I’ve done this graph:

a<-.05; b<- 1; kr1<-70;kr2<-60;kr3<-50
K1<- kr1/a; K2<- kr2/a; K3<- kr3/a
curve(kr1*x*(b-a*x/kr1),col="blue",from=-50,to=1500,xlab="Nombre d'individus",ylab="Creixement"); 
title("Relació del creixement en funció del nombre d'individus")
legend("topright",legend =c("Kr1=70", "Kr2=60", "Kr3=50"),pch = 22, col=NA, pt.bg=c("blue","green","red"))
points(K1,0, col="blue",pch=20); text(K1,-1000,"K1=1400",col="blue")
points(K2,0, col="green",pch=20); text(K2,-1000,"K2=1200",col="green")
points(K3,0, col="red",pch=20); text(K3,-1000,"K3=1000",col="red")

And it has everything I need it to, but I’m sure I could have obtained the same image using a color vector, a kr vector and a K vector that gathers all my values for those variables. I know nothing about loops and I think they’re what’s needed here. 

Could you help me optimize this?

Thank you very much.

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