[R] coplot question

derek@nemac jdmorgan at unca.edu
Thu Feb 7 04:48:44 CET 2013

In R I have 3 variables x,y and z that contain:

|     x  y   z
[1,]  1  12  122
[2,]  1  13  113
[3,]  1  11  111
[4,]  3  13  123
[5,]  4  14  134
[6,]  5  15  155|

I am creating a coplot with the following syntax:

|given.depth<-  co.intervals(z,  number=3,  overlap=.1)

The resulting plot however has has bars in the conditional variable that 
don't cover all of the values of x and y at x=4, 7=14, and z=134


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