[R] odd behavior within R2HTML

Erin Hodgess erinm.hodgess at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 03:52:44 CET 2013

Dear R People:

I'm using R2HTML but having a strange result.

Here is the original data:

resp trt block
90.3 A I
89.2 A II
98.2 A III
93.9 A IV
87.4 A V
97.9 A VI
92.5 B I
89.5 B II
90.6 B III
94.7 B IV
87.0 B V
95.8 B VI
85.5 C I
90.8 C II
89.6 C III
86.2 C IV
88.0 C V
93.4 C VI
82.5 D I
89.5 D II
85.6 D III
87.4 D IV
78.9 D V
90.7 D VI

And here are the commands:
> resin1.df <- read.table("resin1.txt",header=TRUE)
> #set up R-B anova
> resin1.aov <- aov(resp ~ trt + block, data=resin1.df)
> library(R2HTML
+ )
> HTMLStart(outdir=getwd(),file="resin2",echo=TRUE)

 *** Output redirected to directory:  c:/R64/R-2.15.2/bin/x64
 *** Use HTMLStop() to end redirection.[1] TRUE
HTML> library(effects)
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: grid
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: nnet
Loading required package: colorspace

Attaching package: ‘effects’

The following object(s) are masked from ‘package:datasets’:


HTML> summary(allEffects(resin1.aov)
+ )
 model: resp ~ trt + block

 trt effect
       A        B        C        D
92.81667 91.68333 88.91667 85.76667

 Lower 95 Percent Confidence Limits
       A        B        C        D
90.46148 89.32815 86.56148 83.41148

 Upper 95 Percent Confidence Limits
       A        B        C        D
95.17185 94.03852 91.27185 88.12185

 block effect
     I     II    III     IV      V     VI
87.700 89.750 91.000 90.550 85.325 94.450

 Lower 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      I      II     III      IV       V      VI
84.8155 86.8655 88.1155 87.6655 82.4405 91.5655

 Upper 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      I      II     III      IV       V      VI
90.5845 92.6345 93.8845 93.4345 88.2095 97.3345
[1] "c:/R64/R-2.15.2/bin/x64/resin2_main.html"
> file.show("resin2_main.html")

When I look in the resin2_main.html file, the results from the summary
are not there.

Has anyone run into this before, please?

Thanks for any help!

R-2.15.2, Windows, 64-bit

Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston - Downtown
mailto: erinm.hodgess at gmail.com

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