[R] how to read a df like that and transform it?

arun smartpink111 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 23 15:17:22 CET 2013

It's not clear regarding those blanks especially, the num_daughter.  I guess the father and mother would be the same as the previous row.

Deleting those rows:
df1 <- read.table(text="father  mother  num_daughter    daughter
291    3906    0      NA
275    4219    0      NA
273    4236    1      49410
281    4163    1      49408
274    4226    1      49406
295    3869    2      49403
287    4113    0      NA
295    3871    1      49401
292    3895    4      49396
291    3900    3      49392", header=TRUE)

----- Original Message -----
From: Yao He <yao.h.1988 at gmail.com>
To: R help <r-help at r-project.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 7:42 AM
Subject: [R] how to read a df like that and transform it?

Dear all

I have a data.frame like that :

father    mother    num_daughter    daughter
291    3906    0    NULL
275    4219    0    NULL
273    4236    1    49410
281    4163    1    49408
274    4226    1    49406
295    3869    2    49403
287    4113    0    NULL
295    3871    1    49401
292    3895    4    49396
291    3900    3    49392

How to read it into R and transform it like that:

father mother    num_daughter   daughter1  daughter2  daughter3 daughter4
291    3906    0    NULL
275    4219    0    NULL
273    4236    1    49410
281    4163    1    49408
274    4226    1    49406
295    3869    2    49403      49404
287    4113    0    NULL
295    3871    1    49401
292    3895    4    49396      49397    49398   49399
291    3900    3    49392

library (plyr) and library (reshape2) and other good packages are  OK for me.

Thanks a lot!

Yao He
Master candidate in 2rd year
Department of Animal genetics & breeding
Room 436,College of Animial Science&Technology,
China Agriculture University,Beijing,100193
E-mail: yao.h.1988 at gmail.com

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