[R] stepwise variable selection method wanted

Julien Mehl Vettori julien.mehl at laposte.net
Sat Jan 19 01:57:36 CET 2013

Dear Herry,

I would like to know if you found an answer elsewhere to your question.
I'm trying to get information around the nodes of a CA (daisy() followed
by agnes()) made on plant trait using the gower metric for taxonomic
purpuse. I'm not an expert in statistic but I understood that your way
might be the only way to get the meaning of the structure of a such CA,
even if quite slow.
I already started to implement your function to use the weight and type
(logr, asymm, symm and ordr) dynamically. But maybe some easier and less
CPU cost way does exist now... somewhere...
I'm having bad time with R but you might help.

 Thanks for you answer.

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