[R] robustbase adjbox segfault - memory not mapped

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Mon Mar 4 17:49:18 CET 2013

>>>>> "B" == Baan  <baanbapat at gmail.com>
>>>>>     on Mon, 4 Mar 2013 15:02:02 +0530 writes:

    B> Hi, I encountered a segfault, memory not mapped error
    B> when using adjbox in robustbase. In trying to recreate
    B> the issue I found that the error occurs only for large
    B> sample size. Here is the code.

    >> require(robustbase)
    B> Loading required package: robustbase
    >> x <- rnorm(10)
    >> y <- rep(1, 10)
    >> adjbox(x ~ y) ## gives a plot
    >> x <- rnorm(10000)
    >> y <- rep(1, 10000)
    >> adjbox(x ~ y) ## gives a plot
    >> x <- rnorm(100000)
    >> y <- rep(1, 100000)
    >> adjbox(x ~ y)

    B> *** caught segfault ***
    B> address 0xfffffffcc47af530, cause 'memory not mapped'

    B> Traceback:
    B> 1: .C(mc_C, x, n, eps = eps, iter = c.iter, medc = double(1))
    B> 2: mcComp(x, doReflect, eps1 = eps1, eps2 = eps2, maxit = maxit,     
    B> trace.lev = trace.lev)
    B> 3: mc.default(x, ..., na.rm = TRUE)
    B> 4: mc(x, ..., na.rm = TRUE)
    B> 5: adjboxStats(unclass(groups[[i]]), coef = range, doReflect = doReflect)
    B> 6: adjbox.default(split(mf[[response]], mf[-response]), ...)
    B> 7: adjbox(split(mf[[response]], mf[-response]), ...)
    B> 8: adjbox.formula(x ~ y)
    B> 9: adjbox(x ~ y)

Indeed, I (as maintainer of robustbase) can reproduce the
segfault.... *even* though you did not specify the random seed... 

So this should be fixed ... hopefully within a week or so,
but I am not promising anything, given my busy schedule!

Martin Maechler,
ETH Zurich


    B> My setup details:

    B> R --version
    B> R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) -- "Trick or Treat"

    B> Package:            robustbase
    B> Version:            0.9-5
    B> Date:               2012-03-01
    B> Packaged:           2013-03-01 16:34:03 UTC; maechler
    B> NeedsCompilation:   yes
    B> Repository:         CRAN
    B> Date/Publication:   2013-03-01 18:31:33
    B> Built:              R 2.15.2; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; 2013-03-04 05:54:20
    B> UTC; unix

    B> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
    B> uname -a
    B> Linux R 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Feb 25 00:26:11 UTC 2013 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    B> Debian squeeze

    B> Could someone pls help.

    B> Regards
    B> Baan

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