[R] R's basic lm() and summary.lm functions

Achim Zeileis Achim.Zeileis at uibk.ac.at
Sat May 11 21:55:21 CEST 2013

On Sat, 11 May 2013, ivo welch wrote:

> coeftest with sandwich is indeed powerful and probably faster.  I see
> one drawback: it requires at least three more packages: lmtest,
> sandwich, and in turn zoo, which do not come with standard R.

But they should be easy enough to install...

> I also wonder whether I committed a bug in my own code, or whether there 
> is another parameter I need to specify in sandwich.  my standard error 
> estimates are very similar but not the same.

Hmmm, I get the same results (up to machine precision):

## data and model
x <- rnorm(12); y <- rnorm(12); z <- rnorm(12); x[2] <-NA
m <- lm(y ~ x + z)

## standard errors
nw1 <- ols(y ~ x + z)$coefficients[, 6]
nw2 <- sqrt(diag(NeweyWest(m, lag = 0, prewhite = FALSE)))

And then I get:

R> nw1 - nw2
   (Intercept)             x             z
  0.000000e+00 -1.110223e-16 -2.775558e-17

By the way: With lag=0, these are equivalent to the basic sandwich 
standard errors and to the HC0 standard errors:

nw3 <- sqrt(diag(sandwich(m)))
nw4 <- sqrt(diag(vcovHC(m, type = "HC0")))

And then:

R> nw3 - nw2
(Intercept)           x           z
           0           0           0
R> nw4 - nw2
(Intercept)           x           z
           0           0           0

> if anyone wants to use my code, I am dropping a revised version in
> below.  it also uses a better way to document the function inline.
> eval(parse(text=(docs[["lm"]][["examples"]]))) is nice.  you get what
> you pay for.
> more generally, I am still wondering why we have an lm and a
> summary.lm function, rather than just one function and one resulting
> object for parsimony, given that the summary.lm function is fast and
> does not increase the object size.

When running many regressions, it may still be useful to not run the 
summary every time, I guess.


> ----
> Ivo Welch (ivo.welch at gmail.com)
> docs[["lm"]] <- c(
>  author='ivo.welch at gmail.com',
>  date='2013',
>  description='add newey-west and standardized coefficients to lm(),
> and return the summary.lm',
>  usage='lm(..., newey.west=0, stdcoefs=TRUE)',
>  arguments='',
>  details='
>    Note that when y or x have different observations, the
> coef(lm(y~x))*sd(x)/sd(y)
>    calculations are different from a scale(y) ~ scale(x) regression.
>    Note that the NeweyWest statistics I get from the sandwich package
> are different.
>    could be my bug, or could be my problem specifying an additional parameter.
>    Here is my code
>      library(sandwich)
>      library(lmtest)
>      print(coeftest(lmo, vcov = NeweyWest, lag=0, prewhite=FALSE))
> ',
>  seealso='stats:::lm, stats:::summary.lm',
>  examples='
>    x <- rnorm(12); y <- rnorm(12); z <- rnorm(12); x[2] <-NA;
>    lm( y ~ x + z )
> ',
>  test='eval(parse(text=(docs[["lm"]][["examples"]])))',
>  changes= '',
>  version='0.91'
> )
> ################################################################
> lm <- function (..., x = FALSE, newey.west=(0), stdcoefs=TRUE) {
>  ## R is painfully error-tolerant. I prefer reasonable and immediate
> error warnings.
>  stopifnot( (is.vector(newey.west))&(length(newey.west)==1)|(is.numeric(newey.west))
> )
>  stopifnot( (is.vector(stdcoefs))&(length(stdcoefs)==1)|(is.logical(stdcoefs))
> )
>  stopifnot( (is.vector(x))&(length(x)==1)|(is.logical(x)) )
>  ## I wish I could check lm()'s argument, but I cannot.
>  lmo <- stats:::lm(..., x=TRUE)
>  ## note that both the x matrix and the residuals from the model have
> their NA's omitted by default
>  if (newey.west>=0) {
>    resids <- residuals(lmo)
>    diagband.matrix <- function(m, ar.terms) {
>      nomit <- m - ar.terms - 1
>      mm <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = m, ncol = m)
>      mm[1:nomit, (ncol(mm) - nomit + 1):ncol(mm)] <-
> (lower.tri(matrix(TRUE, nrow = nomit, ncol = nomit)))
>      mm[(ncol(mm) - nomit + 1):ncol(mm), 1:nomit] <-
> (upper.tri(matrix(TRUE, nrow = nomit, ncol = nomit)))
>      mm
>    }
>    invx <- chol2inv(chol(crossprod(lmo$x)))
>    invx.x <- invx %*% t(lmo$x)
>    if (newey.west==0)
>      resid.matrix <- diag(resids^2)
>    else {
>      full <- resids %*% t(resids)
>      maskmatrix <- diagband.matrix(length(resids), newey.west)
>      resid.matrix <- full * maskmatrix
>    }
>    vmat <- invx.x %*% resid.matrix %*% t(invx.x)
>    nw <- newey.west  ## the number of AR terms
>    nw.se <- sqrt(diag(vmat))  ## the standard errors
>  }
>  if (stdcoefs) {
>    xsd <- apply( lmo$x, 2, sd)
>    ysd <- sd( lmo$model[,1] )
>    stdcoefs.v <- lmo$coefficients*xsd/ysd
>  }
>  full.x.matrix <- if (x) lmo$x else NULL
>  lmo <- stats:::summary.lm(lmo)  ## add the summary.lm object
>  if (x) lmo$x <- full.x.matrix
>  if (stdcoefs) {
>    lmo$coefficients <- cbind(lmo$coefficients, stdcoefs.v )
>    colnames(lmo$coefficients)[ncol(lmo$coefficients)] <- "stdcoefs"
>  }
>  if (newey.west>=0) {
>    lmo$coefficients <- cbind(lmo$coefficients, nw.se)
>    colnames(lmo$coefficients)[ncol(lmo$coefficients)] <-
> paste0("se.nw(",newey.west,")")
>    lmo$coefficients <- cbind(lmo$coefficients, lmo$coefficients[,1]/nw.se)
>    colnames(lmo$coefficients)[ncol(lmo$coefficients)] <-
> paste0("T.nw(",newey.west,")")
>  }
>  lmo
> }
> attr(lm, "original") <- stats:::lm

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