[R] Depends and Imports in DESCRIPTION file

Marc Girondot marc_grt at yahoo.fr
Wed Oct 23 06:34:21 CEST 2013

Le 23/10/13 05:03, Marc Girondot a écrit :
> Dear list members:
> I try to check my updated package to include a new version in CRAN 
> (phenology) but a new error is indicated and I don't find the logic.
> First my system:
> * using R version 3.0.2 Patched (2013-09-27 r64011)
> * using platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit)
> Here is the message:
> * checking dependencies in R code ... NOTE
> Packages in Depends field not imported from:
> ‘fields’ ‘zoo’
> These packages needs to imported from for the case when
> this namespace is loaded but not attached.
> See the information on DESCRIPTION files in the chapter ‘Creating R
> packages’ of the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual.
I begin to find the origin of the problem... but not still the solution.
When the NAMESPACE file is created by package.skeleton(), it includes:
but not

If I add these manually, the check is ok.

Now the question becomes: why package.skeleton() does not add them and 
how to force package.skeleton() to add them ?


Marc Girondot

Marc Girondot, Pr

Laboratoire Ecologie, Systématique et Evolution
Equipe de Conservation des Populations et des Communautés
CNRS, AgroParisTech et Université Paris-Sud 11 , UMR 8079
Bâtiment 362
91405 Orsay Cedex, France

Tel:  33 1 (0)   Fax: 33 1 (0)
e-mail: marc.girondot at u-psud.fr
Web: http://www.ese.u-psud.fr/epc/conservation/Marc.html
Skype: girondot

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