[R] remove rows with infinite/nan values from a zoo dataset

arun smartpink111 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 3 08:47:48 CEST 2013

Please dput() the example dataset.  When I read from the one shown below, it looks a bit altered.

dat1<- read.zoo(text="2009-07-15,#N/A N/A,#N/A N/A,18.96858
2009-07-16,20.30685,20.40664,#N/A N/A
2009-07-30,#N/A N/A,#N/A N/A,24.98163
2009-08-03,25.25553,25.93297,#N/A N/A

dput(dat1)  ###
structure(c(NA, 20.30685, 20.78813, 21.41278, 22.9963, 23.06443, 
23.45905, 24.89291, 25.38929, 25.26712, 25.83884, NA, 25.25553, 
26.02464, NA, 20.40664, 20.03991, 21.41278, 22.98397, 23.01112, 
24.72232, 25.56603, 24.80535, 25.65566, 24.98163, NA, 25.93297, 
25.49159, NA, NA, 20.40664, 20.03991, 21.41278, 22.98397, 23.01112, 
24.72232, 25.56603, 24.80535, 25.65566, NA, NA, 25.93297), .Dim = c(14L, 
3L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("V2", "V3", "V4")), index = structure(c(14440, 
14441, 14442, 14445, 14446, 14447, 14448, 14449, 14452, 14453, 
14454, 14455, 14459, 14460), class = "Date"), class = "zoo")

dat2<- dat1[!rowSums(is.na(dat1)),]
#                 V2       V3       V4
#2009-07-17 20.78813 20.03991 20.40664
#2009-07-20 21.41278 21.41278 20.03991
#2009-07-21 22.99630 22.98397 21.41278
#2009-07-22 23.06443 23.01112 22.98397
#2009-07-23 23.45905 24.72232 23.01112
#2009-07-24 24.89291 25.56603 24.72232
#2009-07-27 25.38929 24.80535 25.56603
#2009-07-28 25.26712 25.65566 24.80535
#2009-07-29 25.83884 24.98163 25.65566
#2009-08-04 26.02464 25.49159 25.93297

dat2[1,2]<- Inf
 dat2[5,3]<- -Inf

#                 V2       V3       V4
#2009-07-20 21.41278 21.41278 20.03991
#2009-07-21 22.99630 22.98397 21.41278
#2009-07-22 23.06443 23.01112 22.98397
#2009-07-24 24.89291 25.56603 24.72232
#2009-07-27 25.38929 24.80535 25.56603
#2009-07-28 25.26712 25.65566 24.80535
#2009-07-29 25.83884 24.98163 25.65566
#2009-08-04 26.02464 25.49159 25.93297


Hi There, 

I have a dataset with many rows and few columns as following: 

2009-07-15	#N/A N/A	#N/A N/A	18.96858 
2009-07-16	20.30685	20.40664	#N/A N/A 
2009-07-17	20.78813	20.03991	20.40664 
2009-07-20	21.41278	21.41278	20.03991 
2009-07-21	22.9963	22.98397	21.41278 
2009-07-22	23.06443	23.01112	22.98397 
2009-07-23	23.45905	24.72232	23.01112 
2009-07-24	24.89291	25.56603	24.72232 
2009-07-27	25.38929	24.80535	25.56603 
2009-07-28	25.26712	25.65566	24.80535 
2009-07-29	25.83884	24.98163	25.65566 
2009-07-30	#N/A N/A	#N/A N/A	24.98163 
2009-08-03	25.25553	25.93297	#N/A N/A 
2009-08-04	26.02464	25.49159	25.93297 

The class of the dataset is "zoo". My question might be stupid 
but could anyone suggest a way to remove the rows with #N/A values? 
I tried "rapply" command but it didn't work due to the data class. 

btw, how about for the "Inf" values? 

Thank you in advance!

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