[R] Permuting friendship nominations in a social network

Jeff Newmiller jdnewmil at dcn.davis.CA.us
Thu Sep 5 07:09:04 CEST 2013

It might be, but with appropriate indexes a SQL engine (via sqldf or RODBC for example) might be able to do it that way anyway.
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

hollymaya <hollymaya at gmail.com> wrote:
>Thank you for the suggestion. Actually the dataset is quite large so
>that method might be unmanageable. 
>hollymaya at gmail.com
>On Sep 4, 2013, at 10:14 AM, "Adams, Jean" <jvadams at usgs.gov> wrote:
>> Holly,
>> I don't know of a clever way to do this, but I can think of a brute
>force way, which might only be feasible if you have a small data set
>(as in your example).  You could permute every possible set of
>connections, then choose from that collection only the ones that meet
>your criteria.  
>> Using your example, there are c=21 possible connections among the n=7
>unique individuals, c = n*(n-1)/2.  Your example shows a total of 8
>connections (16 rows / 2).  So you could generate all permutations of
>choose(21, 8) = 203,490 ways to have 8 connections.  Then subset the
>ones that have individual totals the same as your example (1 connection
>for Alicia and Beth, 2 for Kerry and Kim, 3 for James and John, and 4
>for Rachel).
>> Jean
>> On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 1:01 PM, hollymaya <hollymaya at gmail.com>
>> I have a dataset of dyads (an edgelist) representing friendship
>nominations between egos and their nominated alters. The network is
>undirected so if ego is connected to alter, then there is a separate
>observation in the dataset for the reverse. I would like to randomly
>permute the friendships so that 1.) the total degree for each
>individual remains the same, i.e. each individual ends up with the same
>number of friendships they had in the original undirected dataset and
>2.) there are no self loops, so individuals are not connected to
>themselves. Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.
>> Example
>> Observed data:
>> Ego          Alter
>> Alicia       James
>> Beth        Kim
>> James      John
>> James      Rachel
>> James      Alicia
>> John        Kerry
>> John        Rachel
>> John        James
>> Kerry     Rachel
>> Kerry      John
>> Kim         Rachel
>> Kim          Beth
>> Rachel    Kim
>> Rachel    James
>> Rachel    Kerry
>> Rachel    John
>> Permuted data:
>> Ego          Alter
>> Alicia
>> Rachel
>> Beth
>> James
>> James
>> Beth
>> James
>> John
>> James
>> Kim
>> John
>> Rachel
>> John
>> Kerry
>> John
>> James
>> Kerry
>> Rachel
>> Kerry
>> John
>> Kim
>>  Rachel
>> Kim
>> James
>> Rachel
>> Kim
>> Rachel
>> John
>> Rachel
>> Alicia
>> Rachel
>> Kerry
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Holly
>> hollymaya at gmail.com
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