[R] Space between x-axis ticks

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Fri Sep 27 11:37:44 CEST 2013

On 09/27/2013 06:13 PM, mohan.radhakrishnan at polarisft.com wrote:
> Hi Jim
> 1. I use a bigger font using 'cex' but that worsens because tick marks
> are close
> 2. A wider png is also insufficient.
> The first tick is slightly away from the origin. I should be able to
> move it closer and then stagger the ticks. What is the 'staxlab' line
> that will help ? I used to look at the help page of 'staxlab' but
> there are less examples. Are there better references ?
Odd. If you do what I told you, you get the attached plot. It works the 
same for a PNG image.


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