[R] Obtain the hex code for a given character --- thanks.

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Wed Feb 5 09:53:11 CET 2014

And the winner is ....... (drum roll) ....... DAVID WINSEMIUS!!!

Thank you hugely David.  You have completely solved my problem.
The last bit with format.hexmode() so as to get "00A3" rather than
just "a3" was actually unnecessary; I could've lived with "a3".  But it 
was a nice bit of polish.

How you manage to find the relevant functions in the bewildering (to me) 
superabundance of functions is impressive as well as astonishing.

Thanks again.



On 05/02/14 19:07, David Winsemius wrote:
> On Feb 4, 2014, at 8:56 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 4:57 PM, Rolf Turner wrote:
>>> If I have a character such as "£" stored in a object called "xxx", how can I obtain the hex code representation of this character?  In this case I know that the hex code is "\u00A3", but if I didn't, how would I find out?
>>> I would like a function "foo()" such that foo(xxx) would return, say, the string "00A3".
>> Close:
>>> as.hexmode(utf8ToInt("£"))
>> [1] "a3"
> Looking at the help page again I realized that there was a `format.hexmode` to deliver as requested:
>> format(as.hexmode(utf8ToInt("£")), width=4, upper=TRUE)
> [1] "00A3"

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