[R] How to write a regression model for finding the radius of a cylinder given height and volume

nivek shiveley.3 at wright.edu
Tue Feb 11 07:06:06 CET 2014

Thank you for your help. This is not homework however and my difficulty is in
the fact that i cannot figure out how the declare a variable for the height
or the volume given a data set where the matrix is already formed. I have
looked on many sites for the is answer and it seems like it would be an easy
one. So for this problem the provided data column 2 is the height data and
column 1 is the volume. What command do I use to read those values and form
a vector. Thank you for your time.

View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/How-to-write-a-regression-model-for-finding-the-radius-of-a-cylinder-given-height-and-volume-tp4685033p4685090.html
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