[R] count and sum simultaneously in R pivot table

arun smartpink111 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 18 08:27:41 CET 2014

Check if this works:

res1 <- acast(FLSAdata_melt, ViolationDesc + ReasonDesc ~ variable, sum, margins=TRUE)[,-4] 
res2 <- within(as.data.frame(res1),`Count of Case ID` <- dcast(FLSAdata_melt, ViolationDesc + ReasonDesc ~ variable, length, margins=TRUE)[,3])[,c(4,1:3)]
colnames(res2)[2:4] <- paste("Sum of",colnames(res2)[2:4])
rownames(res2)[length(rownames(res2))] <- "Grand Total"
indx <- grepl("all",rownames(res2))
ord1 <- unlist(tapply(seq_len(nrow(res2)),list(cumsum(c(TRUE,diff(indx)<0))),FUN=function(x) c(tail(x,1),head(x,-1)) ),use.names=FALSE)
res3 <- res2[ord1,]
rownames(res3) <- gsub("\\_\\(all\\)","",rownames(res3))


On Thursday, February 6, 2014 4:46 PM, bcrombie <bcrombie at utk.edu> wrote:
Based on the following code, how can I add a column to this pivot table
output that will count CaseID's for each variable sum?  CaseID is a factor.

# library(reshape)
# FLSA_Violation_Reason_melt <- melt(FLSA_ViolRsnfixed, 
#                                    id=c("CaseID", "ViolationDesc",
#                                    measure=c("BW_Due", "BW_ATP",
# FLSA_Violation_Reason_cast <- cast(FLSA_Violation_Reason_melt, 
#                                    ViolationDesc + ReasonDesc ~ variable,
#                                    sum, margins=TRUE)

Thank you.

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