[R] Revolutions blog: May 2014 roundup

David Smith david at revolutionanalytics.com
Fri Jun 6 18:53:56 CEST 2014

Revolution Analytics staff write about R every weekday at the Revolutions blog:
and every month I post a summary of articles from the previous month
of particular interest to readers of r-help.

In case you missed them, here are some articles related to R from the
month of May:

Karl Broman's hipsteR guide lists some new(ish) features of R that
early adopters may have missed: http://bit.ly/1mki3ZJ

Joseph Rickert reviews the R/Finance 2014 conference and summarizes
the R packages presented there: http://bit.ly/1mki3ZK . Plus, a review
of R's impact on computational finance, with links to many resources:

A webinar presentation compares the speed of Revolution R Enterprise
and SAS for statistical calculations on large data sets:

A tutorial on the "plotly" R package to generate online plotly
graphics from R graphics commands: http://bit.ly/1mki7bU . If you're
new to plotly, here's an introduction: http://bit.ly/1mki7bS .

My new presentation describes how more than 20 companies and
organizations use R to analyze data: http://bit.ly/1mki3ZM

A review of Generalized Linear Models in R: the glm function
(http://bit.ly/1mki3ZL), and R packages for fitting GLMs to large data
sets (http://bit.ly/1mki7bX).

A Microsoft paper describes the Bayesian model behind multiplayer
matchmaking in online Xbox games: http://bit.ly/1mki3ZN

Continuing his series of posts about ensemble models, Mike Bowles
looks at big-data random forests with Revolution R Enterprise:

R will be used to design the T-shirt for the useR! 2014 conference:

Data scientists at Facebook present an online course on exploratory
data analysis with R: http://bit.ly/1mki3ZO

A scientist uses self-experimentation and R to find the worst place to
be stung by a bee: http://bit.ly/1mki3ZP

Scott Chamberlain's "R for Cats" is a fun introduction to the R
language: http://bit.ly/1mki7c0

A feature article in Fast Company Labs looks at how R is used at
companies: http://bit.ly/1mki3ZR

Using Rcpp to speed up code investigating the Collatz Conjecture:

Revolution Analytics introduces AdviseR, a service offering technical
support to all R users: http://bit.ly/1fVDy6p

R used to evaluate strategies for playing the games "2048" and
"Threes": http://bit.ly/1mki7c3

Importing semistructured data with the rxImport function of Revolution
R Enterprise: http://bit.ly/1mki7c2

General interest stories (not related to R) in the past month
included: fast-running robots (http://bit.ly/1mki3ZU), gravity-defying
magnets (http://bit.ly/1mki3ZT) and a self-destructing washing machine

Meeting times for local R user groups (http://bit.ly/eC5YQe) can be
found on the updated R Community Calendar at: http://bit.ly/bb3naW

If you're looking for more articles about R, you can find summaries
from previous months at http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/roundups/.
You can receive daily blog posts via email using services like
blogtrottr.com, or join the Revolution Analytics mailing list at
http://revolutionanalytics.com/newsletter to be alerted to new
articles on a monthly basis.

As always, thanks for the comments and please keep sending suggestions
to me at david at revolutionanalytics.com or via Twitter (I'm

# David

David M Smith <david at revolutionanalytics.com>
Chief Community Officer, Revolution Analytics
Tel: +1 (650) 646-9523 (Chicago IL, USA)
Twitter: @revodavid

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