[R] Pulling data based on the quater

arun smartpink111 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 11 16:19:56 CEST 2014

Please Check ?as.yearqtr() fromlibrary(zoo) 

dat <- read.table(text="ID  Phase RESEARCH Area   Date Result
100   IV         S_Care A&P 7/23/2013 Positive
1001   IV         P_Care EU 12/20/2012 Positive
2001   IV         Car        AS 9/13/2012 Positive
20003   III         Spec     IN 10/6/2011 NA
2005    IV         Speci   TH 8/4/2011 NA
2006  III         Speci     BN 7/13/2011 Positive
21345  II         Pri     HY 2/3/2011 Positive",sep="",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) 

Qtr1 <- as.yearqtr(dat$Date, format="%m/%d/%Y")
#    ID Phase RESEARCH Area      Date   Result
#1  100    IV   S_Care  A&P 7/23/2013 Positive
#3 2001    IV      Car   AS 9/13/2012 Positive
#5 2005    IV    Speci   TH  8/4/2011     <NA>
#6 2006   III    Speci   BN 7/13/2011 Positive

Hi ,

I have a dataset as below,

ID  Phase RESEARCH Area   Date Result
100   IV         S_Care A&P 7/23/2013 Positive
1001   IV         P_Care EU 12/20/2012 Positive
2001   IV         Car        AS 9/13/2012 Positive
20003   III         Spec     IN 10/6/2011 NA
2005    IV         Speci   TH 8/4/2011 NA
2006  III         Speci     BN 7/13/2011 Positive
21345  II         Pri     HY 2/3/2011 Positive

I would like to pull data based on the Quarter, for example say if i want data for 3rd quarter based on the date column how do i do it.

I tried the lubridate package but was not able to get the required result.

can any one of you assist me on this.

Your help is very much appreciated. 

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