[R] Help partimat()

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Tue Jun 24 12:11:41 CEST 2014

On 23.06.2014 19:28, daniel_stahl at operamail.com wrote:
> I am  a bit late for this discussion but hope that I might still get an
> answer. I tried to follow your advice and had a look at "drawparti" but
> could not find the relevant section about how to plot specific pairs of
> variables
> I am trying to plot only a few combinations a few several combinations
> but always received an error message: For example here I tried to plot
> variable 2 with all other variables (=3 to 10). [,1] is my grouping
> variable.
>   drawparti(mydata[,1] ~ mydata[,2], mydata[,3:10], data = mydata,
> method = "rda", gamma=0,lamda=1)
> Error in rda.formula(grouping ~ x + y, data = cbind.data.frame(grouping
> = grouping,  :
>    formal argument "data" matched by multiple actual arguments

As I said a year ago, partimat is the worker for drawparti and hence 
does not have the most convenient interface, hence you want soemthig like:

What you want is something like:

par(mfrow = c(4,2))
for(i in 3:10)
   drawparti(mydata[,1], mydata[,2], mydata[,i], method = "rda", 
gamma=0, lamda=1)

Uwe Ligges

> Best wishes, Daniel
>  >
> On Friday, March 29, 2013 3:13:58 PM UTC, Uwe Ligges wrote:
>     On 29.03.2013 15:59, Antelmo Aguilar wrote:
>      > Hello David,
>      >
>      > Thank you for letting me know that the partimat() function calls
>     that function.  I am kind of knew to R so I do not know exactly how
>     to describe the structure.  If I understand correctly, what I
>     essentially need to do is pass in all the different data sets into
>     one partimat() function and then the partimat() function will create
>     the different plots and the way the different data sets get passed
>     in is by describing a structure of the different data and passing it
>     into the partimat() function. Is my thinking correct?  Would it also
>     be possible if I could be directed to a website that shows me how to
>     describe a data structure or if someone could be so generous as to
>     tell me how to do this?  I would greatly appreciate it and thank you
>     for the help.
>     partimat is intended to plot several plots for each combination of
>     explanatory variables in a classification problem.
>     If you want to generate such plots separately and/or combine them in
>     another way, see the help page. It says "See Also: for much more fine
>     tuning see drawparti". The latter function allows to generate a single
>     plot that can again be arranged within others by the user.
>     Best,
>     Uwe Ligges

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