[R] Revolutions blog: February roundup

David Smith david at revolutionanalytics.com
Tue Mar 11 16:43:14 CET 2014

Revolution Analytics staff write about R every weekday at the Revolutions blog:
and every month I post a summary of articles from the previous month
of particular interest to readers of r-help.

In case you missed them, here are some articles related to R from the
month of February:

A statistical analysis of various forecasting methods (using R) leads
to correct predictions for 21 of 24 Oscars awards:

There are now 123 R User Groups Worldwide, and applications for
Revolution Analytics sponsorship grants are open until March 31:

Revolution Analytics was named by Gartner as a "Visionary" in a new
"Magic Quadrant" report. A "validation of the innovation in the
open-source R community", said CEO Dave Rich in a press release:

Dan Hanson simulates financial market returns in R using the
Generalized Lambda Distribution: http://bit.ly/1ngG1Lw

I discussed the next phase of "Big Data" -- driven by the rise of R --
in an interview with theCUBE: http://bit.ly/1ngG1Lx

An R-based analysis by Joshua Katz is the basis of an interactive
"Dialect Quiz" that broke traffic records at the New York Times:

Rattle creator Graham Williams' "One Page R: A Survival Guide to Data
Science with R" is actually the entry point to several in-depth R
tutorials: http://bit.ly/1ngG4qR

An example of using R for topological data analysis: random sampling
points from the surface of a torus: http://bit.ly/1ngG1LA

A recent feature on Artificial Intelligence in The Atlantic includes a
brief mention of R: http://bit.ly/1ngG1LB

James Peruvankal on modeling "contagion" in social networks using R:

Replay of our webinar with Alteryx, including a demo of accessing R
using the drag-and-drop workflow GUI: http://bit.ly/1ngG1LD

Plush toys in the shape of statistical distributions, based on
patterns created with R: http://bit.ly/1ngG1LG

Currency arbitrage using BitCoin, using exchange rates downloaded from
the now-defunct MtGox exchange using the quandl package:

A guide to creating 3-D perspective plots with R: http://bit.ly/1ngG7mk

Revolution R Enterprise is now available in the cloud, in Amazon's AWS
Marketplace: http://bit.ly/1ngG1LH

According to the 2014 Dice Salary Survey, R is the highest-paid IT
skill: http://bit.ly/1ngG1LI

A Shiny app that displayed real-time results from the Sochi Olympics,
and now shows the final medal tally: http://bit.ly/1ngG1LJ

The R package weatherData makes it easy to download weather data into
R: http://bit.ly/1ngG7ml

In addition to free licenses to individuals in academia, Revolution
Analytics now offers $999 site licenses to IT departments at
universities and non-profits working for the public good:

R is #15 of all programming languages in the RedMonk rankings:

Some non-R stories in the past month included: special effects using
just an office projector (http://bit.ly/1ngG7mm), and clips from the
movie Dynamic Earth.

Meeting times for local R user groups (http://bit.ly/eC5YQe) can be
found on the updated R Community Calendar at: http://bit.ly/bb3naW

If you're looking for more articles about R, you can find summaries
from previous months at http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/roundups/.
You can receive daily blog posts via email using services like
blogtrottr.com, or join the Revolution Analytics mailing list at
http://revolutionanalytics.com/newsletter to be alerted to new
articles on a monthly basis.

As always, thanks for the comments and please keep sending suggestions
to me at david at revolutionanalytics.com . Don't forget you can also
follow the blog using an RSS reader, or by following me on Twitter
(I'm @revodavid).

# David

David M Smith <david at revolutionanalytics.com>
Chief Community Officer, Revolution Analytics
Tel: +1 (650) 646-9523 (Seattle WA, USA)
Twitter: @revodavid

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