[R] survfit question - Q1 and Q3 survival time?

Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. therneau at mayo.edu
Mon Mar 17 13:14:56 CET 2014

Try help("quantile.survfit")

Terry Therneau

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I am using the function survfit in the 'survival' package. Calling the function produces 
the median survival
time automatically, as below.
sleepfit <- survfit(Surv(timeb, death)~1)
> sleepfit
Call: survfit(formula = Surv(timeb, death) ~ 1)

records   n.max n.start  events  median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
10761.0 10761.0 10761.0  5289.0    15.5    15.5    15.5

I was wondering, is it possible to also output the quartiles Q1 and Q3 survival times?


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